Crochet Abbreviations, How Crochet A Blanket | HOW CROCHET A BLANKET -->


Crochet Abbreviations, How Crochet A Blanket

Crochet Abbreviations, How Crochet A Blanket

Crochet Abbreviations, How Crochet A Blanket

Crochet Abbreviations Master List

Before than you can begin crocheting, you want to make sure you already know the fundamentals, specially abbreviations for crochet. you may understand how to complete basic stitches (or now not), however you want to examine what the crochet abbreviations are earlier than you are making any development on a crochet sample... and crochet has a whole lot of abbreviations. a few abbreviations are quite simple to determine out without a guide, but some would possibly take a piece to bear in mind.

In case you study a crochet sample, you'll see a variety of shorthand. Our web page, a way to examine Crochet styles, will genuinely assist manual you via information and this web page will detail all of the famous crochet abbreviations. now not most effective will Crochet Abbreviations explained be a beneficial page to search precise terminology but we've got an fantastic downloadable list for you, too!

Plus, for all of the crochet stitch abbreviations in this guide, we've covered step-by means of-step instructions so that you can paintings it up yourself. So, before you get commenced, take a second to glance through this available manual to the maximum common crochet abbreviations.

Following is a list of crochet abbreviations used in patterns by way of yarn industry designers and publishers. in addition, designers and publishers may additionally use special abbreviations in a sample, which you won't discover in this list. commonly, a definition of special abbreviations is given at the start of a ebook or sample. those definitions replicate U.S. crochet terminology.

Abbreviation Description

alt alternate

approx approximately

beg begin/beginning

bet between

BL or BLO back loop or back loop only

bo bobble

BP back post

BPdc back post double crochet

BPdtr back post double treble crochet

BPhdc back post half double crochet

BPsc back post single crochet

BPtr back post treble crochet

CC contrasting color

ch chain stitch

ch- refer to chain or space previously made, e.g., ch-1 space

ch-sp chain space

CL cluster

cont continue

dc double crochet

dc2tog double crochet 2 stitches together

dec decrease

dtr double treble crochet

edc extended double crochet

ehdc extended half double crochet

esc extended single crochet

etr extended treble crochet

FL or FLO front loop or front loop only

foll following

FP front post

FPdc front post double crochet

FPdtr front post double treble crochet

FPhdc front post half double crochet

FPsc front post single crochet

Abbreviation Description

FPtr front post treble crochet

hdc half double crochet

hdc2tog half double crochet 2 stitches together

inc increase

lp loop

m marker

MC main color

pat or patt pattern

pc popcorn stitch

pm place marker

prev previous

ps or puff puff stitch

rem remaining

rep repeat

rnd round

RS right side

sc single crochet

sc2tog single crochet 2 stitches together

sh shell

sk skip

sl st slip stitch

sm or sl m slip marker

sp space

st stitch

tbl through back loop

tch or t-ch turning chain

tog together

tr treble crochet

tr2tog treble crochet 2 stitches together

trtr triple treble crochet

WS wrong side

yo yarn over

yoh yarn over hook

Terms & Common Measurements

Term Description

* repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed

* * repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or repeat at specified locations

{ } work instructions within brackets as many times as directed

[ ] work instructions within brackets as many times as directed

( ) work instructions within parentheses as many times as directed or work a group of stitches all in the same stitch or space

Measurement Description

” or in inch

cm centimeter

g gram

m meter

mm millimeter

oz ounce

yd yard

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